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The Danish Health Research Ethics Committee system

Contact information for the committees

The authority and work of the regional health research ethics committees are within the region (of the 5 Danish regions) where the regional committee is established.

You must therefore submit your research project to the regional committee for the region where you work as a investigator.

In addition to the committees in Region Southern Denmark (Syddanmark), the other committees are:

De Videnskabsetiske Komitéer for Region Hovedstaden (The Capital)

Den Videnskabsetiske Komite for Region Sjælland (Zeeland)

Den Videnskabsetiske Komite for Region Nordjylland (Northern Jutland)

De Videnskabsetiske Komitéer for Region Midtjylland (Central Jutland)

Submit to National Videnskabsetisk Komitée

Projects regarding:

  • comprehensive mapping of the individual's inheritance, where an exemption from the consent requirement is applied for
  • Health informatics research projects without biological material with already existing genome data or already existing imaging data

In addition, these less frequently occurring types of experiments must also be submitted to NVK:

  • Psychosurgery
  • Research on a deceased person as part of extracting their organ

National Videnskabsetisk Komite

Submit to the Medical Research ethics Committees (MREC)

Projects regarding CTR and MDR.

De Videnskabetiske Medicinske Komiteer