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Submitting a research project in Denmark

Submitting a new project

You apply electronically by completing a submitting form via the following page: (in Danish only) >>

See guide in english >>

New projects are evaluated at the committee meetings. See Meeting calendar for 2024>>

Submitting a change

You apply electronically by completing a submitting form via the following page: (in Danish only).

Print and sign a copy of the electronic submission. The signature must be the primary investigators. Digital signature can be used. Send it to e-mail:

The new materials or the revisions to be approved must be clearly marked and applied with page number, date and / or version number, so that a distinction can be made between any previously submitted or future editions.

Collect the material in an e-mail as attached pdf files or packaged as a ZIP file. A structured and clear transmission provides a faster case processing.

The amendments are evaluated on an ongoing basis in collaboration between the secretariat and the committee chairmen.